Saturday, August 3, 2013

Action Research on School-wide Reinforement System

Managing student behavior is something that every school and every teacher deals with. Some teachers try many varied behavior management systems to reinforce positive behaviors and eliminate negative behaviors. My research question is this:
1. How can a school-wide reinforcement program improve student behavior?; and,
2. How can technology be utilized to track and proactively address problem behaviors before they occur?


  1. Joan, This looks really cool. What are you using for currency? Have you planned for apathy? I mean, there are some kids that really don't care for these programs and will do what they want to regardless. Does there have to be a certain number participating to make it work? I'll be interested to see how this comes out!

  2. I'm kind of stuck on exactly what the currency will look like. I was thinking of creating something in Publisher that looks like money, only smaller. I also thought about punchcards. My principal wanted me to try and figure out a way to not have it be anything tangible, but I just don't see how to make that work - especially if they are going to have money to spend at a store. Any ideas??? Hadn't yet addressed apathy, but you're right - some kids just won't care. I'll address that collaboratively with the Leadership Team and possibly at grade level meetings. Thanks so much for commenting!

  3. Awesome idea Joan! I have been using my "Ladybug Bucks" and "Bee Bucks" (I love those two insects so that's why I chose those names) as my classroom currency for years. My students would earn Ladybug Bucks for grades on exams and Bee Bucks for good "bee-havior". For the most part this system works, but I did have a couple of students, particulary my fifth grade boys, who did not care to earn bucks because they did not want to purchase anything from my store. What I did for to remedy that was to allow them, or any student for that matter, to spend their bucks for recess, extra computer time, lunch in my classroom with a friend, etc. Providing that option made a lot of my students want to earn more bucks, and hardly anyone bought items from my store. This year, I plan to use my "College Cash" instead of the bucks just to change things up a bit. Also, I plan to implement my cash system more like how I did with my fifth graders two years ago (less expensive). If you would like further information on how I created my system, please let me know. I'm also curious to see the outcome of your research. Keep me updated!!!

  4. Great idea Joan. My high school campus is going into its second year of doing positive behavior support. There are some students who will apathetic to the program, but we had a large percentage that enjoy being able to purchase things or enter raffles for field trips.

    I believe we used publisher to design the dollars. There are many templates already available which can be manipulated.

    Hopefully you will have great success!

  5. there is a program out there through from sokikom called class management. It's a way of interactively tracking behavior progress. They earn coins that they can get online and embellish their avatar and such with. Worth checking out. What grade level are you working with?

    1. Thanks so much for the suggestion! I am going to check that out right now!

